About me

👋 Hey there, I’m Omar Serrano, and I’ve been immersed in the world of web development for a solid 10 years now. Specifically, I’ve spent 7 of those years delving deep into the fascinating realm of WordPress.

Throughout my career, I’ve worn many hats. From the exciting life of a freelance developer to the intricacies of eCommerce, and even a stint at the prestigious Sandia National Laboratories under the Department of Energy. 🛠️

What truly fuels my passion, though, is Gutenberg and custom block development using ReactJS and web components. 🚀 I thrive on building interactive blocks that can fully utilize the power of the Gutenberg editor. Automation is another love of mine; I revel in optimizing build CI/CD processes to make development smoother.

But it’s not just about the code. I take pride in creating applications that shine in two key areas: SEO optimization and 508 compliance for accessibility. 🌟

Outside of the coding universe, you’ll find me cherishing moments with my family, creating melodies with music, and trying my hand the art of JiuJitsu. 🏡🎶🥋 My two kids are also active participants in the world of JiuJitsu, which makes it a family affair.

Join me on this journey as I continue to weave my web development magic and strike that perfect balance between the digital and the real world.